Was ist Aufklärung? What is Enlightenment? Metaphysics?

You cannot talk about what experience is.

You can only talk about how you talk about what experience is.

You cannot talk about how you talk about how you talk about what experience is, as in the infinitely regressive succession of higher-ordered logics(if I were to say; how do you talk about experience(first order: predication ranges over one relation- how do you talk about how to talk about experience(second order: predication ranges over a set of relations- how do you talk about how to talk about how you talk about experience(third order: predication ranges over a set of sets of relations)))); you must only attempt to talk about /what/ it is to talk about how you talk about what experience is, so to effectively dissolve that infinite regression(the interrogative pronoun(i.e. representation of a name) 'what' acts as a representation of that infinite series of 'how-relations')

Ludwig Wittgenstein once stated that philosophy is not a theory, but rather, an activity. If you understand this quote(as in, you're not supposed to postulate the existence of metaphysical entities so much as you're supposed to analyze the ones already before you), then you will see that this is the sort of philosophy that is being done herein.

Now, I realize that this probably isn't the most apt forum for this post given all of the pseudo intellectuals here (who are so quick to dismiss anything that they do not immediately understand..), but I also know there are a select handful on here that have actually had a reasonable education in philosophy (hence they would be able to understand it) and may be willing to explore what I have posited. Through that alone I see it as worthy to attempt. But even after writing such a caveat as this one, there will, nevertheless, still be those idiots who become offended by something they are unfamiliar with and try to tell me about the vacuousness of my grandiloquence(to that guy: you are incredibly stupid, but you will never become aware of this fact, and that is precisely your life's punishment).. To you all, I say so be it, you provide us with that taste of delicate irony that always so well complements the entrée of philosophic inquiry. And to the one's who care to indulge in content rather than in opposition, I thank you.



@ Dan

You didn't understand anything I wrote.

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