The universe was created but its even more complex creator wasn’t?

Religious people often argue that the complexity of the universe necessitates a creator. Following this logic, it stands to reason that this creator (who would be more complex than the universe it created) would also need to be created.

The usual unprovable and unsatisfying answer is that god was before space, time, and matter and so the issue of causality does not apply to him.

For you religious people, how did you rationalize to yourself that the earth needed a creator but a vastly more complex being like your god didn’t need a creator? Or is this yet another one of those "you just gotta have faith" things? Thanks for your time!


No Chance Without Jesus: Very good questions...where did mass and energy in the big bang come from? Your answer is "Can't prove it but I have faith that god did it." My answer is, "I don't know." We're both being honest, but only one of our answers leaves room for future questions and perhaps future answers/revelations.

Use Your Brain: I love the irony here. Your screen name says use your brain but your answer says shut off your brain if people ask certain tricky questions. Lovely.

DantheMan: You seem like a nice enough fellow but you missed the point of the question. This wasn’t mean to address evolution or to argue whether or not evolution is a reality or not. If I filter out your mental gymnastics, your basic answer is god exists infinitely even though we can’t prove it or even understand it, so “you just gotta have faith.” Thanks.

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