☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻SURVEY☺☻♦☺☻☺☻☺☻? SLEEP!?

1. How long does it take you to fall asleep after getting into bed?

A)1/2-1 hours B)1-2 hours C)2+ hours

2.How may hours of sleep do you normally get each night?

A) 1-2 hours B) 2-4 hours C) 4-6 hours D)6-8 hours E)8+

3. Do you constantly wake up during the night?

A) Yes B) Sometimes C)No

4.Do you have a harder time falling asleep than usual when you find yourself worried, upset, or stressed?

A)Yes B)Maybe C) No

5. Do you often feel down or more sad than usual for no reason during the day?

A) Yes B) Maybe C) No

6. How often do you feel down or more sad than usual?

A) Often B) Once in a While C) Rarely

7. When you are feeling depressed, do you find yourself more likely to be unable to sleep properly?

A) Yes B) Maybe C) No

8. Do you feel fatigued during the day, even if you have had a decent nights sleep?

A) Yes B) Maybe C) No

9. Do you find yourself unwilling to begin the day anew, or simply dread getting out of bed?

A) Yes B) Maybe C) No

10. Does anyone in your family have a history of insomnia (trouble sleeping or staying asleep)?

A) Yes B) Maybe C) No D) I don't know


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