May 2021 9 105 Report
What class do you think you’re in?

There are countless different groups in society, all on various levels of wealth or poverty dependent on their financial income at the time, but there are only two main classes in a capitalist society.

There are those who work, The Working class and those who don’t work, The Bosses’ (capitalist) class.

In a capitalist economy the capitalist class own the means of production so they don’t need to work.

Owning the means of production is like owning a machine that prints money, your job is simply to switch it on.

Or another way to look at it, owning the means of production is like owning the only drinking water supply in town, you can charge what you like and if people can’t afford it they don’t get any. They have enormous power over everyone because we all NEED water in order to survive.

The capitalist class own the electricity, gas, water, housing, transport and clothing.

We all NEED electricity, gas and fuel to light our homes, to keep us warm, fuel our transportation and help us survive.

They own all the major food production and supplies.

We all NEED food in order to survive.

The list is endless.

If we want access to any of the things we need to survive we must work for the capitalist who own it all?

They have us by the balls. And they know it.

This power enables them to exploit us by driving down wages and conditions.

They know, as do we, that there will always be someone who will do our job for less.

So we carry on working and just accept it.

The best way to find out which class you are in is to ask yourself some simple questions.

1) Do I work for someone who pays me a wage?

2) If I never work again will I slide into poverty?

3) Do I have to ask permission to take a day off work?

If you answered yes to these questions you’re most probably working class.

Many of you have been conditioned to believe that someone simply asking this question is your enemy.

This is a reflection of how fearful capitalist are of their inevitable downfall.

The capitalist pay many groups large amounts of money to help preserve their privileged class position.

The politicians are paid to preserve a favourable environment to make huge profits by, holding down unions, holding down taxes and holding down regulation.

The media are paid to keep you confused, ignorant and hostile to other members of the working class and anyone questioning capitalisms inequality.

So ask yourself this question again.

What class do you think you’re in?

If you belong to the majority working class,in the eyes of the capitalist you are simply “a tool with a voice”. You’re just another wage slave.

Your role in life is to make a profit for the capitalist class, in return you are “given” limited access to those things you need to survive.

Food water shelter and limited freedom.

If you enjoy working to make the capitalist class richer I feel very sorry for you as your mind as well as your body has been enslaved. They really have done a number on you as you support your own exploitation!

But if your a worker who can see you’re being exploited and want to change this system of exploitation, you are one of the fastest growing groups of conscious people whose chance has come to do something about it.

So what are you waiting for?



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