May 2021 4 73 Report
I don’t enjoy taking care of my newborn. Husband does not understand.?

Long, I know, but I can't admit this to anyone I know. People judge.

We have a two and half month old newborn. He is so difficult to care for. He has colic, acid reflux, horrible cradle cap that flakes and bleeds and is never satisfied or happy. He can cry all day and night long. He doesn’t sleep at night and we both spend over 90% of the night walking with him or literally trying to hold him down to be still. He doesn’t sleep well on his back or side because he keeps throwing his arms and throwing his head back and forth. He will sleep on his tummy, which I won’t allow at night, or in his swing. So one of us ends up in the living room laying on the couch while he sleeps in his swing. I have been up all night and won’t be sleeping anytime soon. He wants to constantly comfort nurse, my nipples are raw, and fights taking a bottle regardless if its fresh pumped milk or not. I am a slave to being attached to him. I got a root canal last week and my husband told me to take a break afterwards and not rush right home. So I went to a café to get some soup and relax and got a call from my husband saying I needed to come straight home because the baby has been screaming for three hours straight and won’t eat. Right now, I am low on groceries and I can’t take him to the store with me because all he does is screaming, fight his car seat or the wrap and my 22 month old feeds off of him and they both start to freak out. Husband is out of town due to military training and closest friends I have are almost an hour drive away. I tried to take my 22 month old to a birthday party on Saturday but I had to leave early because our newborn wouldn’t stop screaming. The moms there were so nice and understanding and helped out the best they could, but I feel guilty that my toddler doesn’t get what he used to from me because his brother is so difficult.

I feel like all I do is hold a crying infant. I take good care of him, I always make sure he is clean, well dressed, fed, I talk to him, read him books and show him love……………but I feel like I do it out of duty, not because I want to. Our first child I enjoyed taking care of as a baby, but this child, I do not. I told my husband this and he just gave me this horrible look that made me feel like the scum of the earth. I love him, but I don’t enjoy caring for him. I am sorry this is long, but I haven’t slept and am in tears from frustration.

I do not have post partum depression; I did ask two different doctors to screen me. I feel horrible for the frustration and feelings of not enjoying my newborn. Anyone go through this and have words of advice? I feel like crud and the guilt of feeling like the care of my newborn is a burden is hurting me.


When you had to move again due to your husbands job and he can be gone from weeks to months at a time, the option to not take the kids shopping is not realistic. Someone needs to buy groceries and keep the house running. The reason I am not too keen on hiring help is because I don't want to risk leaving a very difficult infant with someone I do not know. I am relatively new to this area and I don't know who to hire to babysit. I don't want to risk it, I don't want to become that statistic of having that one babysitter injure my screaming child. I have no issue with my eldest being watched by someone, but not the difficult newborn that screams incessantly.

I can handle my child. I am just at the end of my rope at times when I haven't been able to sleep and he cries nonstop despite treatment and care from pediatricians. He is taken care of well, his mother is just stressed out and that's why I do not vocalize it verbally because people tell you that somet

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