What do people think of this cash health plan which only costs about $14/€10/£9 a month (more details below)?

Lotsa details but bear with me! So, you pay about €10 a month which covers you and your family (or just spouse if no kids) The plan is only available in Ireland and the UK. You get access to a number of free specialist phonelines such as a 24/7 doctor phoneline, a legal phoneline, a medical info phoneline and a stress phoneline. You also get: http://www.hsf.eu.com/files/HSF-ROI-Direct-Schemes...

€80 per year for dental or optical

€130 per year for a practitioner such as physio, chiro, acupuncture etc etc.

€260 per yeear for specialists/investigations inc. allergy testing and health screeening

€125 per year for birth or adoption

€20 per night for hospital stays

€50 - €75 per year for "recouperation"

€20 per day for "day case surgery and treatments"

€95 per year for applicances and hearing aids

€5000 lump sum for permanent disability

€2500 lump sum for accidental death

These are all one off payments if you see what I mean, it's not as though you can make two or more claims in any one year for say dental, it's a maximum of, in the case of dental, €80.

We think it's a pretty good deal, if we never avail of anything or never even make a claim (and we probably would make claims) we still think that even for the 24/7 doctor line, legal advice line etc it's pretty handy. Ever hear of these people or is there something like this for such a low price where you live? http://www.hsf.eu.com/ Thanks.


200 per night in hospital? Maybe if you don't have private health insurance or have what here in Ireland is called a Medical Card, if you have a med card medical bills are free, as are drugs, doctor visits etc but to have a med card you have to either earn under x amount, be a student or an OAP. The sytem in the UK is different, they have a national health service - free for all. We have med cards so personally for us this cash health plan could be rather good, a good "top up". Really like the 24/7 doctor phoneline.

Update 3:

It's not designed to be relied upon as a stand alone product if you do fall ill.

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