May 2021 4 39 Report
Facebook™ is a site created by berks, to be used by morons - true or false?

To answer Phnon Penh '86's Question,

(since people stupidly voted a best answer within minutes)

True, I agree,

Facebook is the trendy thing that if you don't use your "friends" will probably look at you in a different way, it's actually that ridiculous. Well, more to the point - people in general are ridiculous.

But, people only use Facebook because they are scared of being left out from the crowd/herd. They also use it because like you said, they like to brag/boast/show off (at least, that's what they think they are doing) about what eventful lives they have - or in many cases - FORCE themselves to have - simply for the sake of having something to post on Facebook and showcase it.

For example - people who hardly ever took photos before Facebook etc came about, seem to have a photo-taking obsession all of a sudden? - It seems that they are not taking them for sentimental values or as something to look back on in the future - but instead - simply to say to their Facebook friends "uw look what i did last week - I'm obviously so much better than any of you"

No, you're not better than anyone, you are just a robot that can't live your life in your own individual way, and that is all you can be. You are a sheep, a common person who is too scared NOT to join everybody else and do things of your own, instead of imitating every single other human being (who uses Facebook, since your all the same in reality - you all do the same things, go to the same sorts of places, talk about the same things, have the same sorts of interests). But that's how you like it, because it makes you feel safe, and content to know that you're part of the "in-crowd" of humanity.

You are the type of people who probably say "people are all so differenent", but then you go and immitate what everyone else does, with your ignorance and narrow mindedness. It is sickening.

You are not anyone special, you are not in any way "different", or "better", or of a higher status than everyone else (although that is what you think - especially since you've got 800 friends on Facebook, so OBVIOUSLY we must see you as a celestial social role model that we all should look up to.

What you really are is complacent, naive and narrow minded, and you always will be, but for those of us who are intelligent enough not to just go along with it all, you are an example of how not to be as a human.


, and we can at least learn from your mistakes.

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