Doesn’t National Health care insurance just guarantee high profits?

Doesn’t National Health care insurance just guarantee high profits to pharmaceutical companies and CEO’s that own health care facilities?

Currently the national AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP) guarantees the drug industry high fees because American taxpayers pay for it through funds designated for HIV. IE: for Sustiva Americans are charged $980 per person per month for this drug alone and yet Bill Clinton lobbied for it to be sold to Africa for $80.00 per person per month based on the drug costs $40 per person per month.

National Health Care insurance guarantees payment even when poor quality care is give and now that mal practice is being contained, regardless of what happens to patients, profit is guaranteed.

Based on this analogy, I feel that national health care is just a way for some politicians to provide favors to those who make huge donations for their campaign.

Please agree or disagree and explain your answer. For those just seeking 2 points with no true understanding of this issue please save my time and yours by just putting a few “???” marks.


Sway_27: If Medicare is such a great program, why did congress opt to give themselves an elite plan that tax payers pay for and congrssmen no longer pay FICA taxes because of this. If it truely was a good program, in 1994 congress would not have deserted it!

Also no congressman must liquidate all their assets to get health care!

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