Why did my crush said “hi” back to me differently (unusually) than she did before?

We barely know each other, but are familiar by seeing one another around school. I'm two years older than her (I'm a junior, she's a freshman). I started crushing on her when I helped her group [from her class] on a project they were working on. I know her name from working on that project.

Since then I smile and say hi to her several times a week [whenever I see her], but sometimes when I see her in the halls and/or in the morning (we make eye contact), and I say nothing [due to nervousness, late reaction, or I don't see her, but mainly nervousness]. I haven't talked to her yet, I just say hi. Whenever I do say “hi”, she smiles and says “hi” back, and almost always has a straight face before I say hi. Me saying hi to her has been going on for a course of a little over a month, but as I said before, not everyday I say hi, mainly due to nervousness, late reaction, or simply don't see her (don't get a chance to say hi).

What seemed odd today was that when I said “hi” to her, she said it more bland than usual, she usually has a nice smile, and says hi back (the only time she said hi back blandly was like the first two times I said hi). Today, she had somewhat of a smile, and I don't think she made eye contact.

Two days ago, she did almost the same thing. That same day, my friend Link (that's his nickname) was talking to my crush (they're friends) and after I said “hi”, Link said that she was like “He always says hi to me and I don't know his name.” and he said “Seriously? You don't know his name? That's Matt.” And he said she then said “Matt. That's his name?”

So yeah, why do you think she said “hi” back to me blandly?


This is just more background information, just in case you get confused or need more detail. You don't need to read it:


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