Odds of Baha’i Faith fulfilling time prophecies, 18 quadrillion universes, subatomic particles, correction?

For some time I have been making the claim that the odds of the Baha’i Faith fulfilling by chance the numerous time prophecies from Holy Scriptures of several religions, Christian, Jewish, Zoroastrian, Hindu, Islamic, Native American and others are less than one in the total number of protons, electrons and neutrons in 18 quadrillion universes the size of our own known Universe. I would like to offer an at least temporary correction.

I fairly recently discovered prophecies that I do not believe I have considered before and was evaluating them. When I originally performed my analysis and then made my claim that I mentioned above, I put the facts and figures into a computer file and saved it to a hard drive. I have over a dozen external hard drives plus even more internal ones with some of them being utilized only occasionally. Some of those hard drives have irrevocably and irreparably crashed. Whether a crashed hard drive is the cause or I am not using the proper terms while doing a search, I can no longer find that file, nor the backup that I made just in case. There was so much research and time put into that original claim I’ve not the heart at the moment to try to redo it. So, at least for the present I am going to state and stand by the following claim.

It is estimated that the number of elemental atomic particles — protons, electrons and neutrons — in the observable Universe is 10 to the power of 80. To put that into perspective, the odds of winning the Powerball lottery jackpot are only 1 in 175,223,510 or less than 2 times 10 to the power of seven. If one limits the consideration of prophecies from the various religions to only the very specific time prophecies, the odds of them being fulfilled by chance are less than one in 10 to the power of 76. When one adds into consideration the remainder of the various prophecies, we quickly reach a figure of practical impossibility.

My sincerest apologies for making a claim that I now unable to back up. Whether eventually I resurrect my original figure or even revise it upwards only time will tell.


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Native American prophecies? The following should give you a start.




Update 3:

@Ba, Overthinking Prophecy? And by so doing completely ignore what Gave us, and gave us for a reason? Seems to me that ignoring prophecy is ignoring principles God gave us. You might be happy with just a spoonful, but I want the entire slice, would not be satisfied with less. There are other things besides religion, but from where I am sitting, religion makes it all much better. Instead of me overthinking, you are perhaps underthinking? Perhaps the world would be better off if everyone followed God-given Baha'i Principles and quite trying to make everyone else fit a mold meant for ourself only. I am living my life the way I believe I should, the way that I found best fits me. And that keeps me more than happy enough, more than satisfied enough.

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