Jehovah’s Witnesses, other Christians, what would be your reaction/advice given the following circumstances?

Something I read rather recently brought to mind something that happened some years ago. The following is a factual account. For several years a gentleman had been studying the Baha’i Faith. What his actual name is does not matter, but for simplicity let’s call him George. George had been married for about 12 years when he decided that he wanted to enroll as a Baha’i. However, his wife was completely against him doing so, although she agreed with Baha’i principles for the most part. Troubled and not knowing what to do, he consulted the Baha’i LSA (Local Spiritual Assembly) in his area to get advice. The advice that George was given was that his family unity was of prime importance. That what he should do is to continue to abide by Baha’i teachings and principles and just simply not enroll as a Baha’i. To the best of my knowledge, George is still many years later happily married and still lives by Baha’i principles, which according to Baha’i Scripture very much makes him a Baha’i. (Supporting Scripture cited below.)

As a Jehovah’s Witness, were it the Jehovah’s Witnesses that George wanted to join, what advice would you give him personally, what advice do you think that those in your local Kingdom Hall would offer, and what advice would that Governing Body have to give? Why do you think that advice would or would not be appropriate? This is not an attempt to put anyone on the spot, this is simply my trying to understand.

Thank you in advance for your answers, and peace unto all ...


The True Bahá'í

"I have never heard of Bahá'u'lláh," said a young man. I have only recently read about this  106  movement, but I recognize the mission of 'Abdu'l-Bahá and desire to be a disciple. I have always believed in the brotherhood of man as the ultimate solvent of all our national and international difficulties."

"It makes no difference whether you have ever heard of Bahá'u'lláh or not," was the answer, "the man who lives the life according to the teachings of Bahá'u'lláh is already a Bahá'í. On the other hand a man may call himself a Bahá'í for fifty years and if he does not live the life he is not a Bahá'í. An ugly man may call himself handsome, but he deceives no one, and a black man may call himself white yet he deceives no one: not even himself!"

The Coming of Peace

"By what process" continued the questioner, "will this peace on earth be established? Will it come at once after a universal declaration of the Truth?"

"No, it will come about gradually," said 'Abdu'l-Bahá. "A plant that grows too quickly lasts but a short time. You are my family" and he looked about with a smile, "my new children! if a family lives in unison, great results are obtained. Widen the circle; when a city lives in intimate accord greater results will follow, and a continent that is fully united will likewise unite all other continents. Then will be the time of the greatest results, for all the inhabitants of the earth belong to one native land."

(Abdu'l-Baha, Abdu'l-Baha in London, p. 105)


I am about to pick a Best Answer and because you can put only so many characters in the comment box provided for that, I thought I would add some here first. @Zebra, although you may have a bit of difficulty spelling lackadaisical, you are anything but linguistically lackadaisical and I for one very much appreciate that. Although I am a sesquipedalian and can easily spell that word without hesitation, there are some words that I am sometimes unsure if I am spelling properly and the spellchecker does not help any because even when I spell those words correctly, the spellchecker still says I have them wrong. For example, hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia (fear of the number 666). Although I almost always get it right, sometimes I have to go back to it a second time before I am sure. Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia (fear of exceptionally polysyllabic words — feaar of long words, in other words) is another one, and that one I am never quite sure that I have it right.

Update 3:

I take issue with several things that you have said about Baha'is, although I can well understand why you might get that impression of us. I will at some future date explain better, but for now I will merely say that we are anything but lackadaisical about life, we are most definitely not without direction and we are quite confident that the world coming together in peace and unity is much, much closer than thousands of years from now. I would suggest that our grandchildren will look back at our time and wonder how we could have possibly been so violent, look at us as being perhaps as barbaric as we view the Roman gladiators who fought to the death just for the enjoyment of spectators.

Finally, thanks to one and all for your answers.

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