If the premise is true, that you can’t kill time, without injuring eternity….?

Then does it follow, since Christ is Eternity, that we, as Christians, injure Christ when we kill time?


Larry J7: Chill. As for your diatribe it is apparent you are one of the many deceived Christians that believe we are free to sin because we are under grace and not the law. The price is paid, let’s party! No more guilt, shame or blame, like you said “he understands.”

Romans 6 deals with that, clearly you have not read or understood it. Have you never heard of “grieving the Holy Ghost” Ephesians 4:30. Our hurt cannot be physical to God which is Spirit, as it once was to the Messiah upon the cross, but nonetheless sin does grieve Him, pain Him and wound Him. To not know that is to not know Him. Yes, I believe that our ‘killing time’ as an colloquial expression is not only possible, but often practiced. But it will be we who suffer the burden of the cost thereof, not Christ who already paid the penalty for our sin. Ever hear of rewards and the loss thereof? If no one told you, even we Christians will be judged and punished or rewarded. As for the millions of people who ...

Update 3:

...supposedly turn away from Christ by “unending guilt mongering” I don’t know where to begin to answer such a foolish concept. What they turn away from is the light, the life and the truth; what they turn to, is the false religion you promise them and end up happy, ‘guilt free,’ aimless, spiritless, victims of a false gospel, false Jesus and false hope. But that’s ok, like you said “he understands.” I’m counting on it.

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