If athiests don’t believe in Jesus, why do they always criticize Christianity?

I mean, sure, the Bible supports sIavery, murder and genocide (when God does it or tells His people to), incest, Holy War, rape as a spoil of war, beating kids with a rod.. it's riddled with glaring contradictions.. And yeah, devout Christians are directly responsible for the Crusades, the Inquisitions, Witch Trials, Spanish conquest of the Americas (for "God, glory, gold") in the 16th century that virtually wiped out the Native Americans (the survivors were converted to Christianity and enslaved), slaughter of tens of thousands of Jews by Christian Europeans during the Black Death ca. 1350, constant expulsion and massacring of Jews in Medieval and Early Modern Europe, Geocentrism (450 years ago virtually all Protestants and Catholics insisted the Bible says the earth is the center of the universe), Wars of the Reformation... The Thirty Years' War, the English Civil War, the Bishops’ Wars, the Cromwellian conquest of Ireland in the mid-17th century, the Massacre of Vassy, St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre, the other French Wars of Religion.. SIavery (almost every verse in the Bible explicitly mentioning slavery condones or supports it; the Bible was justification for many Confederates in the U.S. Civil War, including Confederate President and devout Christian Jefferson Davis), Evangelicals voted George W. Bush into office based on his Christian platform, and after consulting his "Higher Father" (Jesus), Bush led the U.S. into a war he called a "crusade" that killed hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqi civilians- for non-existent WMD's... unthinking Christian support for Israel today (although a huge shift from back when Christians used to slaughter Jews)- no matter how inhumanely Palestinians are treated.. the ongoing Christian vs. Muslim violence in Africa today.. Anti-stem cell research (despite the fact that hundreds of thousands of human embryos are destroyed every year anyway because of In Vitro Fertilization), Homophobia, Creationism.. perpetual, coercive proselytizing with irrational threats of eternal torture.. and countless other irrational, dogmatic behavior that constantly retards society..

..that‘s all. Live and let live!!

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