May 2021 9 84 Report
Can anyone name a conservative VP choice that wouldn’t be attacked by the lib media like the attacks on Ryan?

Followed by sheep here repeating the same things here like tape recorders


Comments (most repeatedly) from top contender CNN

- Paul Ryan's dangerous vision

- Ryan’s plan is a "death trap"

- The extreme Ryan budget plan

- Ryan is a path to poverty for America's seniors & children and a road to riches for big oil

- Is America beautiful without Medicare? Ask Paul Ryan and his friends in Congress.

- It is thinly-veiled Social Darwinism

- Seniors in Ohio and Florida have every reason to worry what a Romney-Ryan administration would do to them

- Ryan risked the full faith and credit of the United States

- Ryan's embraced a radical ideologue with a dangerous one

- Ryan have solidified their roles as rubber stamps for the reckless and failed economic theories of the past

- right-wing social engineering

- And much much more.

The New York Times said…..

- Paul Ryan has tried to cut off federal money for family planning

- has championed the rights of gun owners.

- assailed Mr. Ryan’s record on abortion rights and women’s health

- Mr. Ryan voted to cut off federal money for Planned Parenthood and the Title X family planning program, and but also backed bills to establish criminal penalties for certain doctors who perform the procedure known as partial-birth abortion

- Ryan would ban a woman’s right to choose, even in cases of rape and incest

- Ryan would bar people from suing gun manufacturers for damages caused by misuse of their products

- Ryan voted that no federal money could be made available to NPR

- Ryan supported a ban on flag burning

MSNBC easily leads the pack saying almost everything above PLUS….

- I don't like him (yep, they really had to say that)

- Ryan will only release two years of his tax returns…

- Ryan is still running for congress (said within hours of Ryan being picked)

- Ryan is inexperienced

- Ryan’s plan would force seniors to pay more for their health care

- 62% of the spending cuts in the Ryan budget would come from low-income programs

- Ryan voted for some of the biggest drivers of the deficit/debt, all of which weren’t paid for

- As a member of Congress, Ryan currently works in one of America’s least popular institutions. (too funny)

- Ryan has no foreign-policy experience

ABC said a lot more than this but was too boring.

- Ryan worked for Oscar-Mayer as a salesman and once drove the Weinermobile.

- Ryan was voted the biggest brown-noser

- Ryan loves hunting animals by archery

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