Schrödinger's Rapist. Insanity?

Well, it seems as if the anti-fems have come across an article / concept / metaphor on the internet and decided it is insane misandry.

Here are some links if you are interested:

Well, I read the article (first link) and liked it. I did not think it was misandric, nor anti male. In fact, if you are a guy who would like to approach women, then it could be very informative.

The point of the article was not to tell women to think all men are rapists, but to explain to men how women actually feel when they are approached by strange men in a public place.

I know the anti fems think women should be taught that all men are lovable, kind-hearted teddy bears and, the majority of them are. But our experiences can also teach us that the minority are not.*

When we are approached by a strange man in a potentially threatening situation, we have no idea which one you are.

The article only seeks to clue men up. That is all.

I really do not see what the big deal is? Remember, the point of the article was to inform men about what women are already doing and NOT to tell women what they should be doing.


* this education can begin very early and i am going to share some of my own experiences during my childhood and teenage years. I shall omit the big ones and only include the ones I reasonably believe many women experience growing up:

Having my crotch fondled by a stange man when I was 8 years old

Having my *** and breasts grabbed by boys at school, from junior school to high school

Having a guy drive past our school gates several times at home time, wearing a full-face helmet, fondling his erect, exposed penis

Being followed home by a group of laughing jeering youths (strangers) as I walked home from the public swimming pool. that was when I first heard the phrase 'Juicy C*nt'. I was twelve.

Being shouted at, lewed gestures, lewed remarks, usually by groups of men or boys when I was just walking along minding my own business - happened more often than I can reasonably count on one hand

Being groped by strange men in night clubs

Having dates go horribly wrong and quite scary on more than one occassion, when it became clear to the guy that i did not intend to sleep with him

I could go on, but the point is, this kind of stuff happens to girls. i know you dont want to believe it does, but it does. I do not hate men at all, I am in a lovely relationship etc. however, it has shaped my perception of what some men are capable and my awareness of the threat they may pose to me if I am stupid enough to put myself in a vulnerable position.

If you are a stranger to me, I do not know whether you are a teddy bear or one of the bad ones, and I would be stupid to put myself in the situation of having to find out the hard way.

This is not an insult to your gender or to you in particular. It is simply a fact of life.


And before you claim that I must be miserable to live my life in so much fear, I can assure you, i do not. I simply take sensible precautions and evaluate every situation individually. this is something most women do, because it makes sense to so so.



@Just me: 'Some of us are indeed humans.'

Of course you are. In no way do I believe men are evil and out to get women. I am just saying that I am aware that some men are capable of dodgy behaviour because of my past experience, so I take precautions because, when approached, I don't know which one you are. that is all. the fact is, because men are stronger than women, if things started to go south I would battle to protect myself. So I am a bit careful. That is all. To be fair, you probably do the same thing walking into a pub filled with dodgy looking ganster dudes.

I really think this poor woman's article has been blown way out of proportion by the anti-fems.

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