Let´s give a light kick on one of the pillars of the favorite muslim´s myth?

Let´s give a light kick on one of the pillars of the favorite muslim´s myth?

The Myth muslims are specially fond of is about how "Muslims saved the European Jews from the persecution during the WW2".

After that , there usually follows an impressive list of Arab countries that "weclomed and saved Jews from the persecution of Nazis".

After that, Muslims reproach Jews of ungratefullness, the public weeps- the curtain falls.

Of course, nobody asks for sources ; how can muslims lie, if their religion forbids it?

But I shall , nevertheless, ask for sources. I would be grateful to anyone who would provide here the links to the statistics ´bout the number of Jews who emigrated from Europe to the Arab countries in 1935- 1945 and did it ON THE APPROVAL OR DIRECT INVITATION OF THE ARAB GOVERNMENTS OF THESE COUNTRIES.

The last is very important, because Muslims immediately start to weep over how the Arabs welcomed Jews in Palestine - "forgetting" that Palestine was under the British mandate, and without the permission of the British Administration, the Arabs could not "accept" and "welcome" even Muhammad himself if he, all of a sudden, decided to descend from heavens(let´s suppose he is in heavens) and visit Palestine.

Well, muslims? Show us what you´re worth. Teach these long-nosed Jews a lesson! Smash us with the statistics about hundreds of thousands of Jews who were "saved and welcome" by Arab countries during the WW2!

P.S to all my muslim " friends".

Don´t waste your time reporting this question. I like it, and I shall repeat it as many times as you report it.

And do you know, why I like it?

Because you, evidently, don´t .


Simple Simon, "So, I think it will be easier to kick-out Arabs from Israel, than to kick-out myths".

Best of all would be if these two processes went hand-in-hand.

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