May 2021 8 248 Report
JW’s, why does Matthew 7:2 not apply to the Governing body?

Matthew 7:2 For with what judgment you are judging you will be judged; and with the measure you are measuring out, they will measure out to you.

The Society has admitted to making many errors in their understandings of scripture over the years and requires that all JW’s just ignore these errors and believe every word they now teach. The Society has never apologized for its many errors they just mention that there is now better light and therefore a new understanding.

When any JW has a understanding of scripture different to the society and they teach this to others they are disfellowshipped.

So it is OK for the society, God’s only earthly channel, to teach incorrect information for years without any repercussions yet when a member does the same thing they are punished. The member will be required to apologise and be repentant of their errors, while the society will never be needed to do anything but teach the new teachings.


@AdamKadmon, you like Uncommon Nature have not read the question, I am not saying they have not made any mistakes, I am saying for them it is OK and no problem for them to teach false teachings, but id a member did the same thing they would be disfellowshipped and not allowed back just because the Governing Body got new light and changed their teaching to the belief of the one they disfellowshipped for believing the same thing. Matthew 7:2 does not apply to the Governing body.

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