All religions do you really think you can change someone’s religion though rude sarcastic non factual remarks?

I am just curious to know the answer. I for one am not religious. I actually find this section quite humorous bc of all the fighting and OPINIONS stated as facts. It makes me giggle. I have no problem with ppl being religious, in fact i condone it. It’s great to have something to believe in, and i understand that. I personally believe we should all coexist, but obviously that will never happen. the fact is that people use their religion to define them. atleast i feel that it seems that way. why else would someone be so offended for someone else to not agree with them? i understand that your religion takes up your life in the way that you live it, but why does it have to be a thing of pride? if i say i dont believe in god why does that mean that ppl who do feel the need to tell me i will burn in hell? I was raised a devoted Christian all my life. and as i grew up i made my own decision about my life just like anyone should. but sometimes kids are brought up to believe something and they will die believing that witout ever experiencing anything else. just blindly believing in something can really help you when your down but does that mean u have to force other ppl to believe the same? why is it somehow wrong for me to disagree? Just bc i live my life different than yours doesnt make me wrong or right just like it doesnt make you wrong or right. so how are all these snarky, rude comments helping anyone. why do you think if you say im stupid for not believing its gonna miraculously bring me to your side? and atheists why do you think telling believers they are stupid and telling them facts will make them not believe? the fact is that it wont. and that it doesnt matter. bc at the end of the day you and i will live on our lives just like we did b4 and noone is going to be any different or feel any different about their beliefs. so wut is the point in all the hatred and fighting? do you really think you are going to change someone's mind?

*fyi i am not talking about good ppl who generally care about others and chose to "spread the word of god".*

*and atheist i am not talking about intelligent, factual, adult conversations in which you try to per sway someone*

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